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The University of Alabama
Counselor Visit Request
Thank you for your interest in visiting The University of Alabama! This request form is intended specifically for high school counselors, school administrators, and community college officials. If you are a prospective student—or a school counselor completing this form on behalf of a prospective student—please
connect with your recruiter
for personalized visit opportunities.
Requests submitted for purposes outside of this form’s intent will be canceled upon submission.
What is your role at your high school or community college?
What is your role at your high school or community college?
High School Counselor/College Advisor
School Administrator
Community College Advisor/Official
Counselor Information
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Device Type (Hidden)
Email Address
School Information
Please begin typing your institution and select from the autosuggest list. To further refine the list, you can add your city and state. If your school does not populate in the list, please select "My school is not listed'.
School Name
School CEEB code
This data point will populate upon selection of a school name if the school exists in our database.
Mailing Address
This data point will populate upon selection of a school name if the school exists in our database.
Mailing Address
This data point will populate upon selection of a school name if the school exists in our database.
Postal Code
Phone Number
Device Type (Hidden)
Primary Phone
Visit Information
How many guests are joining you?
How many guests are joining you?
Are you visiting campus with any other prospective students?
(Students that have planned visits to campus)
Are you visiting campus with any other prospective students?
(Students that have planned visits to campus)
Approximately how many students will be attending with you?
Please select a date that you'd like to visit The University of Alabama. We ask for two weeks notice in order to provide the best experience possible for you. At this time, campus visits can only fall on Monday through Friday. Visit opportunities may be subject to holidays or events on campus that may disrupt normal University operations.
What day are you interested in visiting campus?
What date could serve as a backup should your first date not work?
In order to maximize your visit, your activities on campus may take up considerable time. Please allow adequate time to visit all of your desired interests.
When are you hoping to arrive on campus?
When are you hoping to arrive on campus?
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
When are you hoping to depart campus?
When are you hoping to depart campus?
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
Would you like a general campus bus tour or a private golf cart tour?
(The bus tour will last approximately 2.5 hours)
Would you like a general campus bus tour or a private golf cart tour?
(The bus tour will last approximately 2.5 hours)
Bus Tour
Golf Cart Tour
What academic areas would you like to learn more about while on campus?
(Please select up to 5)
What academic areas would you like to learn more about while on campus?
(Please select up to 5)
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Communication & Information Sciences
Culverhouse College of Business
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Capstone College of Nursing
School of Social Work
Honors College
Early College
Information about
Early College
Honors College
can be found here.
College Visit Importance Ranking
On a scale of 1 to 5, rank the colleges selected on importance to your visit.
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Communication & Information Sciences
Culverhouse College of Business
College of Education
College of Engineering
College of Human Environmental Sciences
Capstone College of Nursing
School of Social Work
Honors College
Early College
Are y
ou interested in learning more about a pre-professional track?
(Pre-Dental, Pre-Law studies, Pre-Medicine, etc.)
Are y
ou interested in learning more about a pre-professional track?
(Pre-Dental, Pre-Law studies, Pre-Medicine, etc.)
What additional aspect of campus would you like to learn more about?
(Please select all that apply)
What additional aspect of campus would you like to learn more about?
(Please select all that apply)
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Fraternity and Sorority Life
Study Abroad (only available on Mondays and Fridays)
Student Accommodations (Office of Disability Services)
Veteran and Military Affairs
Are you interested in eating lunch with a member of our admissions team in an on-campus dining hall?
Are you interested in eating lunch with a member of our admissions team in an on-campus dining hall?
Parking Permit
The University of Alabama is pleased to offer a free visitors parking permit to visitors attending a campus tour. The temporary permit must be displayed from the dash of the vehicle while on campus. By completing the information below, you will receive a printable permit via email.
What type of vehicle will you be driving to campus?
What type of vehicle will you be driving to campus?
Personal Vehicle
Rental Car
Not driving to campus
Additional Information
The University of Alabama is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please make your request for accommodations at least ten calendar days in advance.
Would you like to request assistance for this campus tour?
Would you like to request assistance for this campus tour?
= Required field